Monday, May 18, 2009

More Corky sleeping! 05-17-09

I stayed with Corky at his house Saturday evening while his parents went to a concert. I needed some doggie loving and I hate to see him alone for so long. I always keep a check on him via the Corky Cam, but it isn't the same as sitting next to him on the sofa - he sleeps, I read!

Are these not the cutest little paws? I love Corky's feet. He lets me hold them sometimes, but I suppose he thinks I am strange because he usually frowns and after a short time pulls them away!

I took the picture of his feet and woke him up. He stuck his head up and peered at me over the cushions - with his ears perked up his head looks very large.

Then he put his head down to sleep some more. Notice his little pink tongue sticking out - I don't know what that is about! Cute, anyway.
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Friday, May 8, 2009

The grooming stations 02-02-09

These two pictures were taken Feb 2nd while Corky's parents were in Nevada. Somehow they were on the camera instead of the camera "card", so I have missed them every time I upload from the card.

At his house in Long Beach Corky sits on a mat on top of the dryer to be groomed. He is comfortable and I stand at the perfect heights. So, when he is at Camp Del he sits on a towel on top of the washer for his daily 'brush up'. He is always so patient - I think he actually enjoys looking gorgeous!

At his house the W/D is in the laundry room. At my house they are in the garage - in the hottest part of the summer and the coldest part of the winter he sits on a towel on my ironing table for his 'brush up'. I am always trying to think of ways to add a laundry room onto my house. Not just for Corky, but so I don't have to be in the garage during the winter when it is cold or in the summer when it is scorching.

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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Snoozing at Starbuck's 05-02-09

Corky really zoned out while Liz and I were having coffee at our Starbuck's meeting place in Brea. He was very alert for quite a long time - watching the people and the other dogs. There are always lots of them, I suppose it is because there are several small restaurants that share the patio and there are lots of tables and, therefore, lots of space between dogs! The place was packed today and it took a long time to order and receive our coffee. Then Liz went to Corner Bakery looking for some better breakfast treats than the Starbuck's offerings, which were slim. By the time we started on our coffee and goodies Corky was bored with the entire deal and did what he does best - took a nap.

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