Monday, December 15, 2008

A Little Shuteye 12-14-08

Corky's parents were gone a lot this Sunday, so I went down to Long Beach to stay with him until after they took their guests for a ride on the Duffy (electric boat) to see the boats decorated with lights. So much excitement for Corky these days with people coming and going and decorations that make things look different. Poor guy is tired.
But he has this lovely comfortable bed that a friend gave him - perfect for a nap in the evening. If you click on the picture to enlarge it you will see that his left eye is open just a few mm. I know he is thinking, "If she would just leave me alone to get some sleep before the company comes."
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Sunday, December 7, 2008

A new pillow for Xmas 12-07-08

A friend of Corky's mommy gave Corky this bed - it is like a giant pillow and even has some bounce. Although it says it is stuffed with polyester fiber, I've just never felt any that rebounds to the original fullness so fast.

He can get up in the middle, but seems to like his feet hanging over - those dainty little feet that I love.
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Saturday, December 6, 2008

Wildfire devestation 12-06-08

We drove along Carbon Canyon Road in Brea today and I stopped to take a couple pictures. Corky didn't fuss to get out of the van - guess he could figure it out on his own.
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Thanksgiving in LHC 11-27-08

Corky all snuggled next to his #1 person - his mommy. Not a great picture of her, but isn't he sweet?

I don't know what sticking out his tongue means to him - I wonder if he is just sick of having his picture taken.

Perfect Poodle Prince on a perfect Thanksgiving Day.

Corky's Grandmother Annabelle will hold Corky all day if he wants her to do so. He looks so big in this picture, but it is because his grandmother is very small.
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